On the morning of June 4, as we rowed into Peace River, we were treated to the music of Jeff McCann!
We thoroughly enjoyed his music and energy on the boat! Please visit his website.
We built this particular fire on the forest floor, so we dug down to the mineral dirt to ensure our fire didn’t spread. We were always very careful with our campfires, especially when the twigs and ground litter (what foresters call duff) was very dry. There weren’t any fire bans during our trip, but we brought a camp stove just in case.

The York Boat tied up along Mushikitee Island. Notice the rudder is attached, and angled to reduce the pressure on it by the current.
We had hoped to sail that day, which is why we put the rudder on, but the wind changed direction on us. Check out the Paddling the Peace guide to read more about Mushikitee Island.